The Prius Paradox

By conserving, hybrid owners are reducing the demand for gasoline. Economics dictates that a decrease in demand will create a decrease in price. The resulting cheap fuel encourages more people to buy large vehicles.

Perhaps the most environmentally active thing to do is to buy a large gas hog, which will increase the demand, cause an increase in price, and force more people to buy hybrid vehicles.

1 comment:

rcmagerkurth said...

That should already be happening. A quick check of the net found some data from Forbes that says that gas guzzling SUVs and pickups currently have 25 and 18 percent market share respectively. All hybrids combined have only a 2.5 percent share.

I am counting on the dwindling supply of easy to extract oil to make the SUV extinct. That and the jealousy I hope to create when people ask what kind of gas mileage I get.