God did not make surfing

There are times in which you are well-fed, rested, sober, safe and warm -- times in which you feel good. It takes an enormous amount of time and energy to get to those good times. It takes an ability to find warmth, shelter, a safe place to sleep, and the enormous amount of time and energy used to obtain and secure food.

The religious mind assumes that the world is here for us. They assume that all of the things required to secure these good feelings were put there for us to use. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

Instead, enjoying warmth, shelter, food, etc. is a luxury. It is not part of the world's design. It is us riding the wave of consciousness before the next crashing need of warmth, shelter, food, etc. must be met.

There is the surf and the surfer. The surf was not created for the surfer nor the surfer for the surf. The surfer is taking advantage of the surf and doing something to it. It takes many hours and lots of resources to get the surfer to the point where he can enjoy a few moments of surfing. Many people and things had a hand in getting the surfer to this point -- he did not do it himself although, obviously, he played a big part. Think of the hours devoted to creating and maintaining surfboards. These things were not predesigned by a intelligent deity. God did not make the surf for the surfer. Many people and things made surfing.

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